yes, this old chestnut pulled out from the fire - thereby giving the lie to the other severe and unfortunately misguided and ill-formed notion based on erroneous presumptions now clearly clear in the clearest clear way to all; this was NOT at ALL for fame and gain - you may now have the 24bit (whoo!) version of that which was previously released, plus the now completed second part which was not! what further substance may we offer to further your delight? well now... the original artwork as PDF so you can actually READ IT! SEVERE AND EXTREME FREQUENCIES INCLUDED! so caution, ladies and men - some of these are more potent than the original CD release.
a potential contribution to the (never realised) Tape Chance Elements. documentation enclosed.
the perpetrators of this are unknown. published by Freibank, though.
dedicated to the version of Gary who knew what a joke was.
finally, full statement about past relevance here: simplysuperior.org/Clock_DVA_statement.txt
and this might be of interest:
as well as this:
all rights reserved
stright from the master, with extra track not heard before... and an invitation to think!