The Hafler Trio: INTOUTOF
once upon a time... and quite a time, it might have been. originally released on LP, but sped up a bit so that it would fit more easily onto vinyl without being asked, then on CD with print nobody with less than a scanning electron microscope could read, and all sorts of other calamities... here, then (and now), with completely redone artwork included as PDF and without the gap in the audio that crept in (or even the cat) is the Lad and Lass their very selves, resplendent in all sorts of things, in the profound hope that maybe someone somewhere someday will actually figure out what the hell is going on. many spoken versions of the story exist in various languages, and these will perhaps see the light of day, and in that, we are trussed. the last time this gets re-released? maybe... anyway, there is nothing extra to add and nothing really needed, so stop writing postcards to the wrong address. ok?
published by, oh, let me think now... oh! Freibank!
all rights reserved
the horribly accurate real version complete with all texts and artwork. hurrah!